Quick and Easy Action Steps
Let’s be real. We are all busy. Who has time to look into everything it will take to reduce our consumption? It’s not merely as simple as buying less, is it? Most of the people I spend time with don’t live a life of luxury. Many can’t afford ‘the basics’ and certainly don’t have any savings. So this is not about policing what you buy or living an ascetic and materially deprived life. This is about conscious and sustainable consumption, reducing waste, and making and mending when we can.
To do in 5-minutes or less
Open up your favourite search engine and copy and paste this question: “Where can I recycle batteries in my area?” Review 1 or 2 links.
Find an old plastic tub, takeaway box, or jar. Use masking tape to label it “used batteries”.
What motivates you to review your consumption and spending habits?
Reflection on your possessions. Do you think you own too much stuff? What level of stuff would feel more right for you?
When you are unable to purchase something due to lack of funds, how do you experience this?
What messages did you hear about money growing up?
What are the “shoulds” that you carry around about money and things? E.g. We should reuse things when we can. It’s better to buy expensive and buy once, then buy cheap and buy twice.
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash