rage rocks

My rage rocks the earth into a frenzy
shadows stutter
no place to linger or seek cover 

in childhood we used to say “times infinity”
to express magnitude
my rage is infinity times infinity to the infinite power
times infinity

I think I understand the “wrath of gods” that people write about
personification of storms and tornados
symbols of nature’s rage

my rage is natural
environmental and
my rage is social
born from a one-way relationship with my
slave masters       
were they mine?       
i was theirs
i was the only one relating
they were exploiting

my rage rocks the earth into a frenzy
because i will not repeat
i will not recycle this violence
rather re-purpose my life 

my rage rocks the earth
and i am frenzied
grief stricken
shaken to the core

i have seen the wrath of the gods attempt to destroy life
i was born out of that fire 

my rage rocks the earth of my soul
where dirt meets sky
roots and stars align and
everything upside down 

i guess people have
figured out how to compost shit
i’m learning to do the same 
my rage helps me compost the shit i was given
decomposes matter with small life forms and oxygen
and turns out fertile soil

my rage is a fertile soil
breathing life into places where
devastation and annihilation persist 

my rage
my rage
my rage 

you are not a smooth ride
no where to duck and cover
or hide
but maybe
I just need
to hold on

minh dang
february 2014


beautiful women