Just Transitions
“Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own - indeed to embrace the whole of creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. Recognizing that sustainable development, democracy and peace are indivisible is an idea whose time has come.”
— Wangari Maathai, Nobel Lecture 2004
Reducing our Consumption
Our planet needs us and we need our planet. Although I believe it is the responsibility of major corporations and governments to take strong institutional steps toward our planet’s sustainability, I also believe each person has a role to play.
To live within the means of our planet, we need to consume less.
And by we, I am referring to people in industrialised and “developed” nations, mostly located in the northern hemisphere. We are used to a consumeristic lifestyle. Online shopping and cheap goods makes it easy to buy and throw away, or even to buy and donate.
We have believed that having the newest and coolest things is something for which we should aim. Let’s aim for something different: Less is more. Experiences not things. People and planet.
Join me in this journey to genuinely reduce, reuse, and repurpose.
Start with self-reflection
Turning inward is a great first step to reducing consumption. Making time to review our beliefs about money, spending, and possessions goes a long way to understanding our behaviours. See below for reflection prompts to get started.Learn more
Not yet convinced that the planet needs our help and that humans have caused harm? Or, you are convinced, but not so sure why your own actions matter? Explore related topics and connect with others who are learning. Resources for learning.
Reflection Prompts
Content alert: Your reflection on these questions may bring up difficult memories and feelings. Please consider having a supportive person or people with whom you can talk to about your reflections. This is especially true if you have experienced trauma around money and/or intergenerational poverty.
What motivates you to review your consumption and spending habits?
Reflection on your possessions. Do you think you own too much stuff? What level of stuff would feel more right for you?
When you are unable to purchase something due to lack of funds, how do you experience this?
What messages did you hear about money growing up?
What are the “shoulds” that you carry around about money and things? E.g. We should reuse things when we can. It’s better to buy expensive and buy once, then buy cheap and buy twice.
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash