Human Trafficking & Slavery

So much of our daily lives are connected to the experiences of the exploitation of our fellow human beings. Our clothing, electronics, home decor, and food, to name a few, are more likely than not, to have had someone in forced labour contribute to its production before it reaches our lives. Although there is much academic and activist debate regarding the definitions of human trafficking and slavery, the fact remains true that we have a society which is built up on the labor of people who are either underpaid or not paid, and who experience violence, and the loss of civil and human rights in the process.


Jannesari, S., Damara, B., Witkin, R., Katona, C., Sit, Q., Dang, M., Joseph, J., Howarth, E., Triantafillou, O., Powell, O., Rafique, S., Sritharan, A., Wright, N., Oram, S. and Paphitis, SA (2023) The Modern Slavery Core Outcome Set: A Survivor-Driven Consensus on Priority Outcomes for Recovery, Wellbeing, and Reintegration

Jiménez, E., Brotherton, V., Gardner, A., Wright, H., Browne, H., Esiovwa, N., Dang, M., Wyman, E., Bravo-Balsa, L., Lucas, B., Gul, M., Such, E. and Trodd, Z. (2022) The unequal impact of Covid-19 on the lives and rights of the children of modern slavery survivors, children in exploitation and children at risk of entering exploitation.

Dang, M. & Leyden, S.H. (2021). Psychological well-being for survivors: Creating a new legacy. In M. Chisolm-Straker and K. Chon (Eds.), The Historical Roots of Human Trafficking (pp.305-327). Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Wright, N., Hadziosmanovic, E., Dang, M., Bales, K., Brookes, C., Jordan, M., Slade, M., & the Lived Experience Research Advisory Board. (2020). Mental health recovery for survivors of modern slavery: Grounded theory study protocol. BMJ Open, 10. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-038583

Barrick, K., Panicelli, M., Lanbdin, B., Dang, M., & lutnick, a. (2020). Law enforcement identification of potential trafficking victims. Journal of Crime and Justice, 00(00), 1–16.

Nicholson, A., Dang, M., & Trodd, Z. (2018). A full freedom: Contemporary survivors’ definitions of slavery. Human Rights Law Review, 18(4), 689 - 704.

Survivors are Speaking: Are We Listening?
Global Slavery Index 2018

Open Letter to the Anti-Trafficking Movement 
Published as a Foreword to Dr. Laura T. Murphy's book Survivors of Slavery | March 2013

Putting the Human Into Human Trafficking Reporting:Tips for Interviewing Survivors
Written for The Irina Project, UNC School of Media and Journalism | Nov. 2013

Slavery-Freedom Continuum
Blog post for End Slavery Now | Dec. 2014